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Email cleanup tool

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Business problem

Much of our received email is stored and never thrown away again. Full mailboxes are unclear and undesirable. Can we automatically clean up our mailboxes and throw away the worthless mails? For this, we must first have a clear definition of removable mail messages. This can be different per user. Standard cleanup tools within email programs such as Outlook exist, but that should be better.

User stories (requirements specification)

Must haves

An interface that allows emails to be identified as valuable or worthless/removable items within an email program. In addition, a delete function with which removable items can be moved to the trash in one go. The language of the e-mail program and of the e-mails is an issue, an English-language program and Dutch-language e-mails can influence the interface, the interface must take this into account.

Should haves

There should be an interface that allows the user to set which attributes make an email valuable or removable.

Could haves

This algorithm should be able to learn through an interface where the user assesses which item falls into each category (valuable or removable).